Set di pelle intelligente completa
61,000.00L – 63,000.00L
Risultati ottimali se utilizzata la stessa linea di prodotti.
- Smartphone di bellezza (for men or women)
- Air Face Day + or Air Face Day – or Air Face Day SPF 30
- Galvanic lift mask
- Galvanic Eye Lift
- Face Night Cream
- Bionic Hyaluronic Serum Advanced 4th Level
Altri prodotti
16,390.00LAparecchio idrattante che serve ad applicare la crema atomizzata sul viso, a forma di vapore, senza toccarla. Si usa esclusivamente per la cura della pelle del viso, mantenendola fresca e lifttata, senza intaccare il Make- Up. Nutre le ciglia e le sopraciglia, isolandole dallo smog.
- Smart Deep Clean Vedi Prodotto
- Deep Clean & Detox Face (100ml) Vedi Prodotto
9,790.00LGalvanic Eye Lift Un prodotto dall'applicazione fluida adatto a tutti i tipi di pelle, un incredibile elasticizzante ad effetto lifting immediato. Prodotto appositamente studiato per il contorno occhi, fedele compagno del tuo sguardo.
10,890.00LProduct with firming, toning and regenerating effect thanks to a special combination of extremely rich with active anti-aging ingredients. It relaxes wrinkles from the inside, giving the skin a stronger and smoother, more toned appearance. This product contains the best natural active with a healing action on the skin that also offers a soothing, nourishing and protective action on the skin. Hyaluronic acid is one of the natural components of our skin. It is found in the deepest layer of our skin, in the dermis and helps to maintain the hydration of the skin, or rather prevents the complete evaporation of water, which leads to its aging. Hyaluronic acid "maintains the structure of the skin giving it tone and compactness. When this ingredient has a high molecular weight, it has a lifting and softening function on the surface, giving an immediate effect on the spread of wrinkles. Smart Skin Hyaluronic Acid level 4 is Biotechnological with molecular weight 4, meaning high concentration of liposomes, which are vegetable micro transporters that allow the transit of water inside the skin. There are 5 levels of Hyaluronic Acid. Level 5 is one that is injected with a syringe by the dermatologist. Smart Skin is level 4. Those from 1-3 are simply commercial, with very slow effect.