Deep Clean & Detox Face (100ml)
Morbido e setoso gel che rende la pelle detersa, perfettamente purificata e pronta per accettare trattamenti cosmetici.
Appositamente studiato per pulire in profondità mantenendo la pelle distesa e vellutata.
Ai tensioattivi di origine naturale, necessari per creare la texture del gel stesso, sono stati aggiunti acido ialuronico e antiossidanti per proteggere e nutrire la pelle anche durante la pulizia.
- cocamidopropyl Betaine: tensioattivo di origine naturale derivato dall'olio di cocco e dalla betaina particolarmente indicato per pelli sensibili e per pelli delicate.
- acido Ialuronico: ha spiccate proprietà idratanti. Agisce infatti sul mantenimento dell’equilibrio idrico della pelle, oltre ad avere proprietà riparatrici e rigeneranti dei tessuti. Data la sua notevole capacità di trattenere acqua, è in grado di rigonfiare, aumentando il suo volume, riempiendo così le piccole rughe per un effetto antiage, partner efficace durante le operazioni di pulizia quotidiana o profonda.
- etilesilglicerina: è a base di glicerina, viene utilizzata in cosmetica come umettante emolliente, migliora la sensazione cutanea delle formulazioni cosmetiche. È anche usata come ingrediente attivo, inibisce la crescita e la moltiplicazione dei batteri che causano cattivi odori, senza intaccare la flora cutanea.
Lavare il viso con acqua tiepida, applicare 3-4 gocce sul detergente “Smart Deep Clean” e applicare su viso e collo. (La schiuma rimanente può essere utilizzata con questo dispositivo sul dorso delle mani.)
Puoi anche creare la schiuma lanciando 3-4 gocce di gel sulla pianta delle mani, strofinandole insieme e poi applicando su viso e collo.
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Scegli Questo prodotto ha più varianti. Le opzioni possono essere scelte nella pagina del prodotto61,000.00L – 63,000.00L
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14,190.00LProduct with firming, toning and regenerating effect thanks to a special combination of extremely rich with active anti-aging ingredients. It relaxes wrinkles from the inside, giving the skin a stronger and smoother, more toned appearance. This product contains the best natural active with a healing action on the skin that also offers a soothing, nourishing and protective action on the skin. Hyaluronic acid is one of the natural components of our skin. It is found in the deepest layer of our skin, in the dermis and helps to maintain the hydration of the skin, or rather prevents the complete evaporation of water, which leads to its aging. Hyaluronic acid "maintains the structure of the skin giving it tone and compactness. When this ingredient has a high molecular weight, it has a lifting and softening function on the surface, giving an immediate effect on the spread of wrinkles. Smart Skin Hyaluronic Acid level 4 is Biotechnological with molecular weight 4, meaning high concentration of liposomes, which are vegetable micro transporters that allow the transit of water inside the skin. There are 5 levels of Hyaluronic Acid. Level 5 is one that is injected with a syringe by the dermatologist. Smart Skin is level 4. Those from 1-3 are simply commercial, with very slow effect.
10,890.00LProduct with firming, toning and regenerating effect thanks to a special combination of extremely rich with active anti-aging ingredients. It relaxes wrinkles from the inside, giving the skin a stronger and smoother, more toned appearance. This product contains the best natural active with a healing action on the skin that also offers a soothing, nourishing and protective action on the skin. Hyaluronic acid is one of the natural components of our skin. It is found in the deepest layer of our skin, in the dermis and helps to maintain the hydration of the skin, or rather prevents the complete evaporation of water, which leads to its aging. Hyaluronic acid "maintains the structure of the skin giving it tone and compactness. When this ingredient has a high molecular weight, it has a lifting and softening function on the surface, giving an immediate effect on the spread of wrinkles. Smart Skin Hyaluronic Acid level 4 is Biotechnological with molecular weight 4, meaning high concentration of liposomes, which are vegetable micro transporters that allow the transit of water inside the skin. There are 5 levels of Hyaluronic Acid. Level 5 is one that is injected with a syringe by the dermatologist. Smart Skin is level 4. Those from 1-3 are simply commercial, with very slow effect.