Beauty Smartphone Set
33,600.00L – 34,000.00L
Rezultatet optimale kur përdoret linja e të njëjtit produkt.
- Smartfoni i Bukurise Shihni Produktin
- Air Face Day + or Air Face Day – Or Air Face Day SPF Shihni Produktin
- Galvanic lift mask Shihni Produktin
Produkte të tjera
13,200.00LWhat does MOM cream stand for? The answer to the questions of aging, skin care and beauty comes from the plant world, the answer is called MOM by Smart Skin, the latest discovery of technical cosmetics made in Italy. MOM by Smart Skin is the name of a high-level regenerating cream line in which we find EGF elements. What are EGFs and how are they obtained? EGFs are the growth factors of our skin cells. EGF's, as an acronym for epidermal growth factor, are the growth factors that keep alive and nourish cells throughout our body, the building blocks of our skin. The growth factors present in MOM by Smart Skin creams are obtained with a patented process through "Bioliquefaction" and subsequent morphological selection. This allows obtaining EGFs with the best possible bioavailability. MOM by Smart Skin creams are safe, tested, completely natural and today represent the highest point offered by all contemporary biotechnologies worldwide. In the case of MOM by Smart Skin cream, they act on the epithelium of the skin lining. MOM night and day creams by Smart Skin are EXCELLENT NUTRITION for our skin. For the first time in the world, scientific technology was created which slows down the "aging" of our skin cells, nourishing them in a perfect way.
9,790.00LGalvanic lift mask funksionon si një "tonifikiues natyral" dhe ndihmon muskujt të tonifikohen në mënyrë natyrale. Linjat e shprehjes zhduken në mënyrë efektive. Përmban acid hialuronik, alga dhe zbut lëkurën duke I dhënë efektin botox. Një produkt kremoz dhe i lehtë për t'u aplikuar, i përshtatshëm për të gjitha llojet e lëkurës. Krem super hidratues për ta mbajtur lëkurën të re, të tonifikuar dhe elastike
8,690.00LA modern, fast-absorbing product specially designed for mature skin. An incredible elasticizing action with an immediate lifting effect. Smart Skin Air is the revolutionary application system of atomized cosmetic active ingredients, the daily partner of your beauty. You can apply it at any time of the day thanks to the smart and revolutionary applicator, you can always have it with you and it won't ruin your makeup.